black licoln needs trig to help him defeat the man with no name he defeated him with it
Sunday, June 16, 2013
transformation story marquise quadratic
black lincoln must go back to the real world so he uses transformations to get him out of wonderland and he doesnt want to go back
finding volume and area marquise quadratic
black lincoln m ust find out the volume and area of his house or the queen of hearts will take it and destroy it
4 points concurrency story marquise quadratic
black lincoln messed up his elbow so he need 4 points of concurrency to help him out he goes to the white queen and she helps him he find the 4 points he finds them and they fixed it
circle story marquise quadratic
black lincoln needs a circle base for his cylinder so he looks outside and finds he looks outside and finds it in his garden
daisy story marquise quadratic
black lincoln has found one of the keys he need to get out of wonderland he must give a daisy to the one eyed freak
7 euclidean constuctions marquise quadratic
black lincoln is in some trouble he must find out the 7 euclidean constructions so he found out that the queen of hearts had em so he went to the castle and took them from her
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Re: Introduction story
Geometric daisy story
Robby and cheshire cat used the geometric daisy to decorate their
house in wonderland. They painted them all over the walls in different
sizes and colors.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> 7 euclidean constructions story
> Robby ad cheshire cat use the 7 euclidean constructions to help them
> construct their rocket. They constructed a cone out of congruent
> angles. They constructed congruent segments for the sides. They used
> angle bisectors and parallel lines to alig the cone onto the body of
> the rocket.
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
> On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>> About me
>> My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
>> write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
>> character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
>> love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
>> On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>>> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
>>> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
>>> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
>>> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
>>> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
>>> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
>>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
Robby and cheshire cat used the geometric daisy to decorate their
house in wonderland. They painted them all over the walls in different
sizes and colors.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> 7 euclidean constructions story
> Robby ad cheshire cat use the 7 euclidean constructions to help them
> construct their rocket. They constructed a cone out of congruent
> angles. They constructed congruent segments for the sides. They used
> angle bisectors and parallel lines to alig the cone onto the body of
> the rocket.
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
> On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>> About me
>> My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
>> write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
>> character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
>> love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
>> On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>>> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
>>> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
>>> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
>>> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
>>> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
>>> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
>>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
Re: Introduction story
7 euclidean constructions story
Robby ad cheshire cat use the 7 euclidean constructions to help them
construct their rocket. They constructed a cone out of congruent
angles. They constructed congruent segments for the sides. They used
angle bisectors and parallel lines to alig the cone onto the body of
the rocket.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> About me
> My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
> write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
> character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
> love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
> On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
>> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
>> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
>> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
>> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
>> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
Robby ad cheshire cat use the 7 euclidean constructions to help them
construct their rocket. They constructed a cone out of congruent
angles. They constructed congruent segments for the sides. They used
angle bisectors and parallel lines to alig the cone onto the body of
the rocket.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/12/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> About me
> My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
> write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
> character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
> love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
> On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
>> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
>> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
>> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
>> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
>> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
>> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
>> Ma'lisa trapezoid
Re: Introduction story
About me
My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
My name is Ma'lisa and my math word is trapezoid. I like to read and
write and i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. The name of my
character is Robby the cat. I chose this character because i really
love the cheshire cat so i wanted him to have a bestfriend.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
On 6/10/13, malisa walker <> wrote:
> Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
> the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
> after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
> cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
> head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
> be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
> Ma'lisa trapezoid
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Introduction story
Theres a land call Wonderland, there are alot of Cubes live in there. They all have their different style, some with blonde hair, some with orange, red, blue and green etc. They might look ugly, because they have only a square to fit their brain and everthing else inside it as a body, although so, they are smart enough to creat a new land of Wonderland. They decided to creats activities and shopping mall, stores of games for fun and relax and books for reading and knowledge.
All business seems running smothly, but one bigger problem exist even thought in the wonderland is the reality of live. as we call businesses, which means that it leads to treasure, contain with money. To me, Wonderland is just another reality of another world.
Using trigonometry story and work
In wonderland, there was a house. Peoples of wonderland came every sunday for party , The house was held by two the big triangle. Theres a base where lead to the lobby. They designed a long stairs to go to the top floor. Same as the other side, but instead of the rest of the buildings two sides. Cubes have to find out the anwser of which part of the house is the saftest and why it dosent need to put two big triangles to the rest of it. What is the Hight of the building must have to makes it look good but hold it steady at the same time? what is the totally amount of numbers that two sides add up together?
Geometric Daisy Story
Once in the land of Cubes, there are much stuff and activities on the land. there are Games store, Book store Science activities, shows and Game activities. Cubes decided to play a game called Circles which is creats the Daisy. Cubes told one to another to connect or find a hexagon in the daisy, they picked Cube K to start it off. He was told to find a equaliteral triangle, after they told him to find a equaliteral triangle. Everyone else except the cubes in the hexagon go around to make a big circle that surrounding the hexagon to Highlights it. Cubes were happey that they did a Successfully activities after all.
Algebraic Proof Story
It was time to go home after hard working, but my friends and i decided to kill some times around in the town. The Cube and hes friends went out to Game Stop. They wanted a good Video Game dise, so they decided to run aound in the store looking for it. Its a very fun place were boys heading to just like there are endless happieness. They decided to spend some money on games and the check bills showed an amount to be $385. Obviously some one had brough Extra Video game. We were have to figure out who was the person that spended $100 more cashes.
About me
My name is Leo. I was born and raised in the country of China. My mom won a lottery Green-card (permanent residence in USA) and she decided to move to America. Although its been five years since we moved to america but English is not my first language, so I am afraid that I wouldn't do well at school. My mom kept saying to me that I'll do well and that she believes in me. And here I'm at the Oakland High today. Now I enjoy reading interesting books, watching action movies, hanging out with my friends. I like to do Exercises, to play tennis and go to the gym. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to hanging out with my friends now, because I sacrificed my free time to learn. But it worth it in order to be proud of myself in the future and achieve my goal, which is to get an High School Degree.Oakland High seems to be a good high school, where one can get the good education and the necessary skills for the furture.Teacher are very educated, friendly and hard working people, to teach us in order to become educated students. I like this high school. I hope after one year I will get my degree, find a community colege and transfer to a four-year University as a Designer in the Fashions. I'm trying to do well to study and to make good grades, because education is important. At this moment my goal is to graduate from high school and I hope I will get the best knowledge's and the necessary skills that will shape me in my life.
Leo Triangle
Leo Triangle
Jennifer in Wonderland
Jennifer has become too big because she ate the growing cake thingy all in one bite. Now she has to look for the four ingredients that can create an antidote to counter the curse. The four ingredients are a red birds leg, a mountain monkeys fur, a water coconut, and a tall tale fish. The four objects can be found at points RMWT around Jennifer's house, Jennifer's house is on point X, which is on line PB. She is going to be accompanied by Dr. Pooper, the genius of Dumbville... which is filled with not so bright people.
While looking at the map of which the for objects can be located on, Dr. Pooper noticed that three points, Points R, X, and T, are collinear. He asked Jennifer what does collinear mean and she replied, "It's when the points are on the same line." Then he noticed another three points, Points M, W, and B, are non-collinear. Again, he curiously asks what does that mean and Jennifer replies, "It's when the points are not on the same line.
The objects red bird leg and the tall tale fish is both collinear to X, with X being the mid-point of Line RT, now Jennifer has to find the relation between X and the segment RT. She is given, RX=10X-6 and XT=3X+8, what is the distance between X and segment R and T? To find the distance Jennifer put the two segments like this: 10X-6=3X+8. Then she used the additive property of equality and got 10X=3X+14 then used subtraction property of equality and got 7X=14, then she simplified it and got X=2. Afterwords, she plugged it back into the equation and got 10(2)-6=3(2)+8, next she did the equation like a normal math problem and got 14=14. The distance between segment R and segment T is 14.
While looking at the map of which the for objects can be located on, Dr. Pooper noticed that three points, Points R, X, and T, are collinear. He asked Jennifer what does collinear mean and she replied, "It's when the points are on the same line." Then he noticed another three points, Points M, W, and B, are non-collinear. Again, he curiously asks what does that mean and Jennifer replies, "It's when the points are not on the same line.
The objects red bird leg and the tall tale fish is both collinear to X, with X being the mid-point of Line RT, now Jennifer has to find the relation between X and the segment RT. She is given, RX=10X-6 and XT=3X+8, what is the distance between X and segment R and T? To find the distance Jennifer put the two segments like this: 10X-6=3X+8. Then she used the additive property of equality and got 10X=3X+14 then used subtraction property of equality and got 7X=14, then she simplified it and got X=2. Afterwords, she plugged it back into the equation and got 10(2)-6=3(2)+8, next she did the equation like a normal math problem and got 14=14. The distance between segment R and segment T is 14.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Re: Alexander Bojorge P3
On Jun 7, 2013 12:12 AM, wrote:
Proving Lines are parallel Story
Once in wonderland the Key of Reality of building a house with the Key of Constructs. They made a blue print and in the blueprint it shows that Angle <4 and <3 are supplementary. This is because m<3 + m<4 = 180. They also are same side interior angles . They found this out by looking at the blueprint . The reason is because the definition of same side interior angles. This helped find out that side R and side S are parallel to each other . Now The Key of Reality and Key of Constructs are excited about their house they're going to build .
Remaz Circle
7 euclidean Constructions Story
Once the key of reality was walking down the path of questions to go see an old friend.When he was walking down a loud voice said " Stop ! To continue you have to do the following "
A stick came out and a giant compass " you must duplicate a segment" said the voice. After he finished the voice said " duplicate an angle" . The key succeed but he also have to do bisect an angle, construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment, construct the perpendicular from a point to a line , construct a perpendicular from a point on a line, and construct a parallel line through a point not on a line. After he was all done the voice was amazed, he also informed him that this helped him build his bridge.
Remaz Circle
Introduction Story
Theres a land call Wonderland, there are alot of Cubes live in there. They all have their different style, some with blonde hair, some with orange, red, blue and green etc. They might look ugly, because they have only a square to fit their brain and everthing else inside it as a body, although so, they are smart enough to creat a new land of Wonderland. They decided to creats activities and shopping mall, stores of games for fun and relax and books for reading and knowledge.
All business seems running smothly, but one bigger problem exist even thought in the wonderland is the reality of live. as we call businesses, which means that it leads to treasure, contain with money. To me, Wonderland is just another reality of another world.
using trigonometry story and work
In wonderland, there was a house. Peoples of wonderland came every sunday for party , The house was held by two the big triangle. Theres a base where lead to the lobby. They designed a long stairs to go to the top floor. Same as the other side, but instead of the rest of the buildings two sides. Cubes have to find out the anwser of which part of the house is the saftest and why it dosent need to put two big triangles to the rest of it. What is the Hight of the building must have to makes it look good but hold it steady at the same time? what is the totally amount of numbers that two sides add up together?
![]() | ![]() |
Geometric Daisy Story
Once in the land of Cubes, there are much stuff and activities on the land. there are Games store, Book store Science activities, shows and Game activities. Cubes decided to play a game called Circles which is creats the Daisy. Cubes told one to another to connect or find a hexagon in the daisy, they picked Cube K to start it off. He was told to find a equaliteral triangle, after they told him to find a equaliteral triangle. Everyone else except the cubes in the hexagon go around to make a big circle that surrounding the hexagon to Highlights it. Cubes were happey that they did a Successfully activities after all.
Algebraic Proof Story
It was time to go home after hard working, but my friends and i decided to kill some times around in the town. The Cube and hes friends went out to Game Stop. They wanted a good Video Game dise, so they decided to run aound in the store looking for it. Its a very fun place were boys heading to just like there are endless happieness. They decided to spend some money on games and the check bills showed an amount to be $385. Obviously some one had brough Extra Video game. We were have to figure out who was the person that spended $100 more cashes.
About me
My name is Leo. I was born and raised in the country of China. My mom won a lottery Green-card (permanent residence in USA) and she decided to move to America. Although its been five years since we moved to america but English is not my first language, so I am afraid that I wouldn't do well at school. My mom kept saying to me that I'll do well and that she believes in me. And here I'm at the Oakland High today. Now I enjoy reading interesting books, watching action movies, hanging out with my friends. I like to do Exercises, to play tennis and go to the gym. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to hanging out with my friends now, because I sacrificed my free time to learn. But it worth it in order to be proud of myself in the future and achieve my goal, which is to get an High School Degree.Oakland High seems to be a good high school, where one can get the good education and the necessary skills for the furture.Teacher are very educated, friendly and hard working people, to teach us in order to become educated students. I like this high school. I hope after one year I will get my degree, find a community colege and transfer to a four-year University as a Designer in the Fashions. I'm trying to do well to study and to make good grades, because education is important. At this moment my goal is to graduate from high school and I hope I will get the best knowledge's and the necessary skills that will shape me in my life.
Introduction story
Roby the cat, the cheshire cats twin used the rocket to take alice to
the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
Ma'lisa trapezoid
the whit queen. They also used it to take mad hatter and the mouse
after they escaped the queen with the big head. Roby also helped the
cheshire cat, Mad hatter and the mouse trick the queen with the big
head when she was about to execute them by making himself appear to
be mad hatter while chesire cat appeared to be the mouse .
Ma'lisa trapezoid
7 euclidean construction story
Roby and cheshire cat used the 7 euclidean constructions for their
rocket. It helped them build and construct it. They constructed
congruent segments for the sides of it and cingruent angles for the
cone. The angle bisector bisected the cone and aligned it with the
body of the rocket. Constructing a perpendicular line also helped with
this. They constructed a parallel line to alight the rockets sides.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
rocket. It helped them build and construct it. They constructed
congruent segments for the sides of it and cingruent angles for the
cone. The angle bisector bisected the cone and aligned it with the
body of the rocket. Constructing a perpendicular line also helped with
this. They constructed a parallel line to alight the rockets sides.
Ma'lisa trapezoid
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
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